Thursdays we discuss how reusable materials WOW committees and save time
Claire started applying for scholarships when she was in the 10th grade. She started her master application when she was in the 9th grade. She included answers to basic personal, educational, and other information. She also started keeping track of the facts for her themes and home run statements.
Questions to Include in Your Master Application
Part A of your master application includes the short answers to the questions on scholarship applications. We reviewed 11 applications to identify these questions:
- Information About You
- First, middle, last name, address, city, state, and zip code
- Mobile and home phone, email address, social security, or personal ID
- Date of birth, age, citizenship, gender, ethnicity, and languages spoken
- Field of study, possible majors and minors in college
- Information about Parents, Guardians, or Spouse
- Names of parents, address, state, and zip code
- Military rank, present station/address, phone
- Married, single, divorced, and widowed
- Schools parents attended, current student, ethnic ancestry
- Information about Schools
- Name of the high school, address, city, state, zip code, and school district
- Graduation date, dates attended, type of current curriculum, or international diploma
- Cumulative high school GPA, class rank & size, composite ACT/SAT scores
- Advanced placement classes and concurrent enrollment classes attended
- Colleges you wish to attend and desired major, minor, or study
- Post High School Studies
- Name(s) of post high school, address, city, state, zip code, & district
- Type of school, dates attended, hours attended or planned to attend
- Completion date, completion document (certificate, degree, or other)
- Work History (add information for each job)
- Name of business, address, city, state, zip code, phone, & email address
- Type of organization, your position/duties, and dates employed
- Reason for leaving, supervisor’s name
- Volunteer History (add information for each service or organization)
- Organization name, type of organization, address, city, state, zip
- Phone number, email address, supervisor’s name,
- Service performed, type of service, how many people benefited
- # of people in the group that served, days/hours of service, & who served
Saturday we will share the caution about financial aid for proprietary for-profit schools