Thursday, April 25, 2013

Reusable Materials 16: Working with Teachers on Reusable Essays

teacher helps studentThursdays we discuss how reusable materials help you WOW committees and save time

Sarah enjoyed the 10th grade. She attended one of our scholarship workshops with her sister when she was in 8th grade. She began her master application in the ninth grade. She recorded her grades, service projects, achievements, and began creating home run statements. She also worked with her English teachers to prepare reusable essays. She would ask her 10th grade English teacher to substitute an essay topic from her list of scholarship topics rather than the topic they assigned. As a result, Sara had 8 reusable essays within one year.

Ask Teachers to Substitute Topics

You may ask teachers to substitute their essay assignments for topics typically requested by scholarship committees. We provided a list of typical essay topics in a previous post. You may present the list to your English, history, science, or other teacher. Then, request that they allow you to write on one of those topics rather than their writing assignment.

You can influence your teacher to allow the substitution by describing the purpose of the essay in the following terms:

“Teacher, I plan to use this essay to apply for more than 100 scholarships. Would you mind substituting the essay topic you assigned for one of these topics preferred by scholarship committees?”

Ask Teachers to Edit Essays More Deeply

Explain to your teacher that, since you will be using the essay to apply for more than 100 scholarships, you would like them to

  • Edit the essay more deeply than usual
  • Allow you to correct the essay according to the teacher’s edits
  • Edit the essay again to make it as perfect as possible
  • Allow you to correct it again according to the edits
  • Review the essay one last time

You may also ask your guidance counselor—or the guidance counselor responsible for scholarships—to review and edit your essays. However, make sure that the last person to review the essay is an English teacher to ensure the best grammatical edits.

Saturday we share tips to help you avoid frustration or feelings that you are wasting time

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