Thursday, July 11, 2013

Reusable Materials 27: Questions About Reusable Materials & More

Question Guys 5Thursdays we discuss how reusable materials help you WOW committees and save time
Nellie tried to keep up with our encouragement to apply for 10 scholarships a month. She rejected the concept of a master application. As a result, she gathered information separately for every application she completed. Consequently, she only submitted 2-4 applications a month. In addition, her applications occasionally included small mistakes and typos. She felt that creating a master application would waste her time. She lost more time collecting information for each application than creating a master application.

Q: I’m going to law school. How can I get money to pay for it?

A: The cost of law school is one way to reduce the supply of lawyers and keep salaries higher. We found very few scholarships for law school. Lately, we found a few resources that may help. We already highlighted two of them in this blog: Equal Justice Works and LSAC have  sections on paying for law school. We recently talked to the global president of a law society about financing law school. She had heard very few educational reimbursements for law students working in law firms. Her comment, “There are so many lawyers working for very little. Law firms don’t need to pay for someone to go to law school unless they really like them already.”

Q: How do themes and home run statements fit in applications?

A: You copy themes and home run statements as answers to the following questions:
  • Describe your extracurricular activities
  • Give some examples of your leadership experience
  • Explain your involvement in sports and athletics
  • What have you done to make the world a better place?
Typically, scholarship committees provide larger fields to answer these question. You can add topic sentences to set up your home run statements. For example, you may write:
“I find great satisfaction in serving my community, my school, and my church. For example…”
“My extracurricular activities involve expressing my creative talents through choirs, bands, and acting…”
Then, add statements.
Saturday we share a tip to help you increase the number of scholarships you can find
This blog will improve as you submit comments, questions, and experiences. We will answer your questions in future blog posts. Please submit your comments and questions so we can answer them.

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